Central Bank Policy and Interest Rates

Central bank policy and interest rates are critical elements of monetary policy, as they dictate the availability of money and credit in an economy. A central bank can either raise or reduce rates to affect economic activity and inflation rates in a particular country.
Generally, central bank policy is designed to maintain economic stability and a healthy balance between growth and price inflation. They do this by altering the amount of money they lend out, as well as altering interest rates that commercial banks charge to borrow from them.
A central bank can employ several tools to regulate interest rates and the size of its balance sheet, including purchasing or selling securities in the open market. Typically, short-term interest rates such as federal funds rate and prime rate are controlled by the central bank and have an impact on other interest rates in other markets.
In order to control interest rates, the central bank may employ supplementary tools like overnight reverse repurchase agreements and the sale of long-term bonds. These measures are only employed when absolutely necessary in pursuit of their monetary policy objectives.
For years, the Federal Reserve has utilized its monetary policy tools to stimulate economic growth by encouraging loan creation and investment. They do this through various instruments like interest rates set for member banks and discount rates given to depositories.
The discount rate, commonly referred to as the federal funds rate, is an interest rate that member banks pay when they borrow from the Fed. It serves as a benchmark that banks use when setting interest rates on loans to consumers and businesses alike.
This target has a direct impact on the interest rate that consumer lenders charge, which in turn impacts how much people spend. A higher discount rate means borrowing becomes more costly for consumers, leading them to spend less than when their loans had lower interest rates.
Another tool a central bank can use to influence interest rates is the quantity of reserves it supplies to the banking system. By increasing lending, they encourage more loan creation throughout an economy.
However, providing additional reserves does not guarantee banks more loans or deposits; rather, they are likely to hold these extra funds as reserve balances and store them away in their vaults.
A central bank can supply additional reserves through open market operations, such as buying bonds on the market or implementing a large-scale quantitative easing program. Doing so increases their balance sheet and injects fresh cash into the economy.
Since July 2022, the European Central Bank (ECB) has been tightening its monetary policy in response to rising inflation that exceeds their target of 2%. They plan to cease reinvesting assets purchased under their main quantitative easing programme in March and the inflation rate has begun to decline since then.