How to Apply Dry Shampoo Correctly

Your regular dry shampoo application likely serves to refresh greasy roots between washes. But did you know that proper use is the key to great-looking locks? Otherwise, the powdery substance could end up looking chalky or even clumpy if applied incorrectly; here are a few simple tricks you can follow in order to use dry shampoo correctly and maximize its effects.
1. Always Work It In
To ensure a proper application of dry shampoo, be sure to mix the powder around with your hands or a brush before it settles on your scalp. This helps eliminate chalkiness and ensures it reaches every corner of your roots so it can absorb all necessary oil, odor, and buildup from your roots.
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2. Shake That Bottle
For maximum effectiveness of dry shampoo use, be sure to give the canister of aerosol formulas a quick shake before each use to distribute evenly the formula. Starch can sometimes settle at the bottom of containers; by shaking thoroughly all of its components are thoroughly mixed for maximum efficacy.
3. Don’t Overuse It
Excessive use of dry shampoo can actually leave your locks looking oily and gritty, so use sparingly. Ideally, only apply it a few times each week (or when necessary), according to Marcus; use it at bedtime if your locks tend to accumulate oils; this allows it to absorb excess oils through the night and give your locks a fresh, vibrant start when you wake up!
4. Only Use Dry Shampoo Where Needed
Although some may get into the habit of applying dry shampoo all over their strands, its main use should only be limited to areas of greasy or limpness on your head. Sprinkling more product all over will only build up and leave your locks heavy with residue which could weigh down and dull down its shine.
5. Select a Dry Shampoo Formula that Best Suits Your Needs
Dry shampoo formulations come with different features designed to address various haircare needs, from adding volume and boosting color, to covering gray roots. Some are specially made for color-treated locks without leaving behind white residue – to find one suitable to your own individual situation, be sure to read product descriptions thoroughly and experiment with several formulas before selecting one as your go-to dry shampoo product.
No matter if your hair is straight or curly, there’s an ideal dry shampoo out there for you. Keep these tips in mind when shopping for one, and your locks will thank you. Soon you’ll be looking and feeling your very best.